Hemp plane, 10x Stronger than Steel and Runs on hemp Fuel.

The world's first all-hemp plane is ten times stronger than steel and runs on hemp fuel.

Hempearth, a Canadian cannabis company, has created a plane made of and powered by hemp.


According to the company, the plane's body and wings are made of composite hemp fibres that are 10 times stronger than steel.

The interior walls, seats, and pillows are all made of hemp!

And, best of all, it's designed to run on 100 percent hemp oil, which it won't require much of because it's so light!

According to Hempearth CEO Derek Kesek, the hemp composite material used to make the plane's body could "replace all fibreglass in aviation and many other industries."

It would be lighter, stronger, more durable, and have greater flexibility/plasticity.

Kesek claims his company turned down an invitation to work on the material with DuPont because he refuses to "work with fascist companies that are associated with military, The Rockefellers, The Rothchilds, and or the Military Industrial Complex."

He hopes that when the plane is finished, it will take its first flight at The Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the birthplace of aviation.

Hempearth also manufactures hemp plastics, hemp boards, hemp oils, hemp surfboards, and hemp phones.

He hopes that when the plane is finished, it will take its first flight at The Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the birthplace of aviation.

Hempearth also manufactures hemp plastics, hemp boards, hemp oils, hemp surfboards, and hemp phones.

Credits :- https://returntonow.net/2021/02/24/worlds-first-all-hemp-plane-is-10-times-stronger-than-steel-and-fueled-by-hemp/ 

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